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The Beaulieu Candle Company was brought to life by two former teachers. With this experience we saw the value and flexibility of candle making to educate and develop others.


Our fun and engaging workshops support the National Curriculum across a number of subjects and aim to provide young people with opportunities to develop their personal skills, such as; teamwork, confidence, budgeting, communication and presenting.


We have had the opportunity to work with some fantastic organisations that has seen us deliver our workshops to hundreds of young people across Hampshire & Dorset, including sessions for National Citizen Service and Southern Universities Network (SUN) based at Southampton Solent University and Bournemouth University.

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Creativity workshops are suitable for all age ranges. Participants can design, manufacture, decorate and present their own eco-friendly candles, choosing from a large range of materials to bring their ideas to life.

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Business Enterprise workshops are an exciting way to gain experience of what it takes to start a small business. Aimed at upper key stage 2 (years 5 & 6) and above, participants will develop skills such as planning, budgeting, marketing, manufacturing 

and presenting. 

Whether you are part of a school or a parent looking for something different to develop and entertain your children, please get in touch for more information. We would love to hear from you!

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Robin Wilcox, Project Leader

Southern Universities Network

The Team at The Beaulieu Candle Company ran workshops for some pupils from local schools. We received overwhelmingly positive reviews from the participants and will certainly look to work with them again in the future. A huge success!

Graham Gale, Holiday Camp Cooridnator

Personal Best Education

The Beaulieu Candle Company delivered a fantastic workshop at The Mountbatten School to support key worker's children during uncertain times surrounding COVID-19.


The children had an enjoyable, inclusive and insightful experience.

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